Archive for January 2023
Anxious/Ambivalent Attachment Style: It’s the here today gone tomorrow type of attachment.
If you missed the first three topics in the series, I recommend circling back to get a better understanding of The Attachment System, different attachment styles, why they matter, and how they affect us. This week, we’re going to talk about the Anxious Ambivalent Attachment Style, which is sometimes called preoccupied. Here is an overview…
Read MoreAvoidant Attachment Style Explored: The Impacts of Avoidant Attachment on Self-Regulation, Relationships, and Intimacy
Do you ever feel like relationships and intimacy are so difficult that you tend to stay on the sidelines and not participate? Have you learned that you can meet your needs better yourself, and so you learned to dismiss others and live in an isolated bubble? This is what can happen if we’ve developed an…
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